Hackathon Circular Biobased HUB Dutch Design Week 2023 – Eindhoven

Join us for an exciting hackathon at The New Block in Eindhoven, Netherlands! Get ready to dive into the world of circular and biobased solutions to solve business challenges for our city! Whether you’re a coding guru or a sustainability enthusiast, this event is for you.

Collaborate with like-minded individuals and create Digital solutions to enable waste materials to become part of the Circular Bio-based HUB for Eindhoven Municipality.

Step 1: Register before October the 9th

Register and select the Top 3 digital solution you are most passionate about.

Step 2Webinar on October the 11th

Participate to the pre-meeting webinar in which we will create the teams who will work on the hackathon on October 24th .

From that moment onwards you and your team can start working on the digital solution.

Step 3: Hackathon day on October 24th

Refine your idea during the hackathon and deliver a Minimum Viable Product.

Minimum Viable Product .is a product with enough features to attract early-adopter customers and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle. In industries such as software, the MVP can help the product team receive user feedback as quickly as possible to iterate and improve the product.

Below the 6 real-world business ideas that the industrial partners and municipality came up with:

1. Create an online Marketplace to match construction waste supply and demand

2. Create an independent Platform to evaluate the Best Environmental Impact housing projects both retrofitting and new built.

3. Create a Zero Waste interior Service for office building developers

4. Create an easy to access buildings inventory for social housing corporations, based on circular economy index

5. Create a transparent platform that shows the ownership and responsibility of the building and demolition waste, across the materials life cycle

6. Create a platform that helps construction companies to implement solutions that reduce to zero their Top 3 waste materials in volume and CO2 emissions.

Prize: The winning teams will have the opportunity to keep on working on your Digital Solution with the industrial partners and the Municipality of Eindhoven.

This means that you can receive resources, mentorship and specialists support to build the digital solution further.

Register now!

The event is sponsored by the industrial partners Caspar de HaanKnaapen GroepGielissen and Eindhoven Municipality.

< Cirkelstad Eindhoven @ Dutch Design Week – Van Activatie naar Implementatie | CoP: Ontwikkelingen Cirkelstad 2024-2026 en actieprogramma circulair bouwen Gemeente Haarlem >